Nigel Farage, who has been a close ally of Donald Trump since his 2016 presidential election campaign, has offered his ...
英国传媒报道,工党元老、上议院议员文德森(Peter Mandelson)勋爵已被选派为驻美国大使,他曾任首席大臣和欧盟主管对外贸易政策专员,并在今年9月访问香港,在香港大学发表演讲,呼吁新一届英国政府改善与中国的关系。
If you seek the ultimate example of the roller-coaster ride that politics can be, you need look no further than the life and ...
Lord Mandelson - set to be the UK's ambassador to the US - revels in his image as a behind-the-scenes fixer.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer has confirmed he is appointing trade expert and Labour Party veteran Peter Mandelson as the UK’s ...
(法新社伦敦19日电) 英国媒体今天报导,工党资深政治人物曼德森(Peter Mandelson)已被选派为驻美国大使,他曾任英国贸易大臣和欧盟主管对外贸易政策执行委员,这项政治任命恐引发争议。
Lord Peter Mandelson has called his appointment as the UK's next ambassador to the US, which has now been officially ...
“特朗普就是一个恶霸、白人民族主义者、对世界构成威胁的人……”听闻曾如此炮轰特朗普的英国工党资深政客彼得·曼德尔森(Peter Mandelson),被英国首相斯塔默任命为新一任驻美大使,特朗普阵营顿时炸开了锅。
LONDON — Veteran U.K. Labour Party politician Peter Mandelson will be Britain's next ambassador to Washington, people ...
Prince of Darkness’ will seek to woo Trump administration, avoid trade war and ensure the countries remain aligned over ...