Follows the lives of local farmers, food producers and crafters, whose work is sold at the celebrated, family-run Tebay Service Station, in the glorious setting of the Lake District.
KINSHASA, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Felix Tshisekedi, president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), late Saturday inaugurated the China-aided Central African Cultural and Arts Center of Kinshasa, ...
2024年,美国大选再次受到世界关注。在这场原本应是关乎国家命运走向、民众福祉提升的重要政治活动中,竞选者们却在现实中逐渐偏离正轨。飓风救援,沦为两党争斗的工具;权钱交易,暗藏在竞选背后;国家治理,在党派利益的拉锯中陷入僵局。在"美式民主"庞大的冰山下,民众利益被逐渐边缘化,一幕幕“政治秀”“钱规则”“纸牌屋”般的闹剧接连上演。 The U.S. presidential election onc ...