2. In Win 7, select File/New/Folder. 3. In Win 10, select Home/New/Folder A new folder can be created by right clicking the drive or folder and selecting New/Folder. In Win7, 8.1 and 10 ...
Click in the text field and enter "1" and select "GB" from the dropdown. Click "Save" to give your smart folder a name and ...
Whether you're a new Mac user learning the basics or a long-time user needing a refresher, here's a straightforward guide on ...
Is your inbox filled with emails? It is easy for your Gmail to become inundated with message after message. But there is an ...
3. Click the folder icon at the top, next to your document's title, to create a new folder. In some cases there may be a Google Drive icon instead - it looks a bit like a triangle with flat edges.